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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2001-01-01  |  10MB  |  6000x4000
Labels: horse | portal site
OCR: GIVE YOUR GRAPHICS SOME ADDED KICK QUI-GRAPHICS PLUSTM contains a desk-top publishing or page layout igreat assortment of royalty free programs images and iclip art specifically cre And thanks to the BUILT-IN IMAGE ated for horse enthusiasts BROWSER finding just the right Choose images ofthe MOST POPULAR image requires only scrolling and BREEDS AND EQUESTRIAN DISCIPLINES clicking Once you've selected just and create more professional the right image, simply copy the looking newsletters, flyers letter image into your active document. head. brochures and web sites All images are PC TIFF OR JPEG for- mat and can easily be imported into most popular word -processing, Minimum System Requirements 75MHzor Higher Proceso 32MBRAM, 16Bit ColorVGA/Monitor CD-ROM Drive, EQUI VISION Mouse ,Compatible e ...